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Whatever your business goals, I’m excited to partner with you and your team over one or many sessions to move towards them.


Having worked in corporate environments for over 20 years, I am keenly aware of the pressures women face, especially as their identity changes following significant life shifts, and how this can impact their ability to return to the workplace and perform at an optimal level.


So, a tailored coaching programme that is neutral, non-judgemental and forward-facing can be an invaluable resource within your organisation’s commitment to women in business. 


Take a look at my testimonials to see how clients have benefitted from coaching with me over one or many sessions.


Sessions are 1:1 and completely confidential. They can be held on Zoom or in-person within a business setting by arrangement.



Please complete the enquiry form to express your organisation's interest in working with me.



I will then contact you to arrange a free Zoom consultation or a meeting in person if required.


This initial session will explore your organisation’s key objectives such as employee retention, development and/or wellbeing, and establish the employee reach you’re looking for against the financial investment you’d like to make.


It will also give me the opportunity to set your expectations of coaching, answer any questions you may have and talk you through what I can offer.



If you feel I’m a good fit for your business, I will then request some further information so that I can create a tailored proposal for you to consider. 



Depending on your requirements, preparation may look like formal meetings between a manager and employee to articulate development needs and objectives or tailored employee questionnaires to capture key insights ahead of individual coaching sessions. 


Employees will need to be fully engaged and open to the value that coaching can offer them in order for it to be most effective. 


Coaching Within Your Business

Depending on your requirements, this may look like regular half or full days in the business, to include a mix of 1:1 sessions with employees, an informal coaching clinic or collaborative meetings with my primary organisational contact to share consistent themes that may inform ongoing planning and strategy.


Or perhaps, if your objective is for coaching to be offered as a personal wellbeing benefit, I may work in a more isolated way with your employees, on a standalone or multi-session basis.


Whatever your business needs, I will agree and deliver the best way of working to meet them.


Review and Feedback

Unless otherwise agreed, such as within an employee development framework, client confidentiality will be upheld within every session.


However, we will work with clear, shared objectives and reporting will include the highlighting of common themes and associated recommendations that I believe can enhance ongoing processes and procedures within your organisation.


Employee and manager feedback will also be a key tool to understand the benefits that coaching is delivering and how it can be refined to add even greater value within your business going forward.

E :

T : 07956 424 778 

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Katherine Branch -  ACIM, ACC, Dip.Transformative Coaching


I am a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching

Council and I abide by the Global Code of Ethics.

I am an EMCC Accredited Coach at Senior Practitioner level and an ICF Associate Certified Coach.

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